Through the apostle Paul, God states in Romans 3:23, “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” He adds in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death…” God, acting as a benevolent judge and advisor, reveals our desperate circumstances. Alone, we have no hope. We have sentenced ourselves to eternal death by our sinful choices. God clarifies that neither money nor physical possessions are adequate to redeem our souls (Matt. 16:26). To be saved, there is only one solution: Jesus the Christ.
According to Romans 3:24-26, Jesus’ blood is the atoning sacrifice for all sins. A person may ask, “Why is His blood different?” Jesus is unique for several reasons. His completely righteous life is one. He lived without sinning. In every moment, Jesus chose what was acceptable to His Heavenly Father (Heb. 4:15). Jesus is the only person who did not deserve death; He never earned it because He never sinned. That makes His blood unique. 1 Peter 1:19 describes it as “precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless,” it is an imperishable sacrifice that has the power to give spiritual healing to every person (1 Pet. 2:24).
Through the blood of Jesus, every person can be forgiven of their sins and receive an imperishable inheritance in heaven (1 Pet. 1:3-4). Every person can meet God joyously on the day of judgment because of the sacrifice Jesus made. Salvation in Jesus Christ is the most precious gift, it is what humankind needs most, and God has given it to us. The gift was costly, perhaps more than we fully appreciate (1 Pet. 1:18; 1 Cor. 15:28). Because of its great price, Jesus alone is the way to be saved (John 14:6). For salvation, we all need Jesus.