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Writer's pictureEli Schnell

Jesus Knows

In the Revelation, John, who was on the island of Patmos, was commanded to write down what he saw and then send it to seven churches in seven cities (1:11). In his visions, John saw an image of Jesus, who gave specific messages for each of the seven churches. Within these messages, Jesus praised, warned, admonished, and corrected the churches. After introducing Himself in various ways, Jesus began each message with the same words: “I know” (2:2, 9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8, 15).

To each church, Jesus spoke a record of their current state and gave them direction for progress in godliness. Many were praised for some things and corrected for others. Some, like the church in Laodicea, received a harsh rebuke and a stern warning that they must alter their course or be rejected entirely by God. For the faithful, “I know” would comfort. For the erring, “I know” would terrify. In every case, Jesus knew.

Even during His ministry, Jesus responded to unspoken thoughts (see Luke 7:39-40). Now that He reigns at the right hand of God, the writer of Hebrews said of Him, “…there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Heb. 4:13). Jesus knows.

Someone might ask, “What does Jesus know?” Jesus knows the truth. All of it. If you are slandered and insulted while living according to God’s holy standard, Jesus knows. If people honor you as a holy mentor, although you harbor secret sins, Jesus knows. If you claim to love His Word and honor His instruction but twist it to allow for your fleshly desires, Jesus knows. When you meet Jesus, what will it mean when He says, “I know,” to you?

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