Israel always had a king. Their first human king was Saul of the tribe of Benjamin, but God was King before Saul. For that matter, God was King during and after the reign of Saul. God never stopped ruling, even over King Saul. If there is any question about God’s sovereignty during the time of the earthly kings, one has but to read 1 Samuel 15:28, where God spoke through Samuel to King Saul, saying, “The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to your neighbor, who is better than you.” Even during the reign of the earthly kings of Israel, God was the King of kings.
God’s sovereignty continued, but not everyone respected it. Even King Saul failed to honor his King’s rulership (see 1 Sam. 15:19). Taking one more step back, King Saul’s appointment was the result of Israel’s rejection of the LORD’s rulership over them. When they asked for a human king, Samuel prayed to God, who responded in 1 Samuel 8:7 saying, “…they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them.” However, the people’s rejection of God’s sovereignty did not remove it.
Today, God the Father has appointed Jesus Christ to reign over all (see Eph. 1:21; Matt. 28:18). In Luke 19, Jesus prophesied that some would reject His rulership over them. That prophecy continues to be fulfilled on the earth today. But rejecting His rulership does not remove His sovereignty. He reigns, and He is coming back. If you have rejected His reign until that day, grace will no longer be extended to you as it has been today. Submit to the Lord Jesus today before He returns and sends you to eternal destruction (see Luke 19:27; 2 Thess. 1:9).